Holistic Pelvic Health Services

We are specialists in helping you build more vitality, awareness, & functional strength of your pelvic bowl & deep core.

Whether you are looking to (A) Improve your perinatal experience; (B) Maximize your athletic performance; (C) Heal from physical or mental trauma/dysfunction/injury (incontinence, diastasis, chronic back/hip pain, painful sex); or, (D) Empower yourself from your creative center, we are here for you— physically, energetically, & spiritually.

Reach out today to find out how to get the most out of your Root!

We are grateful to all our mentors along the way who have paved our understanding of the pelvic bowl, including (but not limited to) Tami Lynn Kent- founder of Holistic Pelvic Care™, Dr. Sarah Duvall, Postural Restoration™ Institute, Arvigo Institute of Mayan Abdominal Massage™ & more.